Accompanies man from the distant prehistory. Wood, as a material, we see it in many applications in our daily life. It has been widely used for the manufacture of furniture, works of art and beyond. Let's see and as a structural material !!!
All seek the perfect way to build our house. We want to emerge through it our personal philosophy and aesthetics. We want to be a comfortable place, where through will feel protected. We want to be together and a space utilitarian ala and impressive, which will accommodate us and our family and will accommodate our family and friends!
The idea of wooden houses is nothing new. Wood, for one hundred years or so, one of the main structural materials and in North. America but also in Europe, and therefore also most ready designs of wooden houses we see in our country, they remind us of something ... Finland
Wooden houses have several important advantages and this has resulted in acquiring more and more supporters in our country in recent years. Certainly not a question of comparing conventional construction and timber, since each construction method has its plus. But it is interesting to see up close some advantages of wooden houses, which is perhaps not widely known yet.
First the average time of construction of a log home is only four months, if one address in a serious construction company type. This clearly means a saving on certain costs, such as less IKA stamps for workers or less time in which you have to pay some both mortgage and rent leased residence. Also because wood is a "light" material, we have some savings in costs for the stage of the foundation of the house. Finally, the short time for completion of a wooden house, is in direct relation with the leisure of the future owner. The less holding all this time construction period (requiring the owner time for supervision, selection of materials, etc.) the better, especially if you're busy.
A key issue also in relation to the characteristics of the wooden structures is their high ductility, provided that the construction has been done correctly. But in case of fire, the wooden houses "resist" with very good results, although of course the wood has received from prior appropriate treatment and syntirisi.As not forget that wood is an ecological material. A house made entirely of wood, is considered an ecological and environmentally friendly, and this is another factor that seems to affect more and more in the choice of.
The wooden houses are also of very good thermal insulation and soundproofing. All this of course, as emphasized above, occur when the operation undertaken to construct each house, knows well the subject and its applications, and the construction is such prepei.Ena other issue that concerns many in relation to the choice or not a xylokatoikias is the strength of this structure in time. The truth here and does not seem to affect the woodwork. The breakthrough time of a properly constructed log home, as we are told by experts, is at least one hundred years. From there on, it is obvious that the more correct and methodical maintenance becomes, the more it will withstand the years pass.
Many also argue that the wooden houses, because of their ecological properties, exert a positive influence on both the psychology and health of their inhabitants. Nowadays, there is much talk embodied psychological problems and excessive stress often leads to disease. In this sense we consider it reasonable to positively affect the psyche, and thus a man's health, from the fact that he lives in an ecological and environment close to nature every day.
Finally, many besides all these reasons, take very seriously into account the issue of aesthetics. The truth is that the wooden houses, depending of course on the project will be built, is usually elegant. Especially if matched with the external environment (eg as cottage mountain) blend perfectly with the nature and the overall effect looks like a painting.
So perhaps elegance is not a wooden house may not be the main reason why would you decide to choose this building form. But think about something: In the end, what might count really is elegance and durability. With a wooden house you will definitely have both, as long as you choose the appropriate manufacturers !!!